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CO2 Therapy

Wrinkle Reduction · Acne Treatment · Lifting Effect · Exfoliation . Brightening . Pore Control 

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CO2 therapy is the best choice for maximization of the outcomes of dermatological and plastic surgery procedures. By accelerating skin metabolism via Bohr effect, not only the skin elasticity, tone and pore control are improved, but also bruises and swelling are alleviated while oil and moisture balance is controlled.


Wrinkle Reduction

  • Transforms aged skin with wrinkles into elastic and youthful skin.


  • Which helps in stimulating blood flow, improving skin elasticity and feeding our skin with intensive moisture. Its best by stimulating cell renewal and collagen production.

Lifting Effects

  • Promotes protein synthesis and metabolism redefining sagging lines and enhancing skin elasticity.

Shrink Pores

  • Enhances metabolism, removal of skin waste and contraction of pores.


  • Stimulates blood circulation and efficient removal skin waste creating translucent skin.


Skin Brightening

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Pore Control

Acne Skin

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